Brother Octavius the Alkemist

0007 BROTHER OCTAVIUS THE ALKEMIST Without the genius of Alkemists, the entire kush game would go up in smoke. The members of the enigmatic Alkemist Order are a cross between scientists and mystics, techno-monks solely capable of refining the KSH particle into kush. Alkemists are explorers, discovering unknown kush strains beyond the comprehension of common […]
“Little” Blister Brutus

0006 “Little” Blister Brutus The Indica Syndicate’s number one dirty work specialist. “Little” Blister Brutus won’t just put his boot on your neck, he’ll slide the edge of his meat cleaver there, too. As a street-level boss, he uses vicious methods to keep his low-level kriminals in order. And as a kriminal operative, he isn’t […]
Killer Tycoon

0005 KILLER TYCOON AKA “THE LOST NEPHEW” Real name? Unknown. Birthplace? Unknown. Motivation? Unknown. Most of what we know about the Killer Tycoon comes from the pile of corpses in his wake. He’s a folk hero to some, a walking nightmare to others. Some say he’s unhinged and bloodthirsty. Some say he protects the little […]
Duke Colorado

0004 DUKE COLORADO “THE DITCH KID” You don’t think kush just appears in the hands of kriminals, do you? Nope. The native form of kush, a particle known to scientists as KSH, must be harvested from the seriously-hazardous-to-your-health asteroid belt. And to navigate the belt, you need a damn good Spider Pilot.Duke Colorado is one […]
Rich Uncle Bentley

0003 RICH UNCLE BENTLEY AKA “THE INSIDE MAN” Whatever you do, never try to flex on the Inside Man. It can’t be done. Rich Uncle Bentley is the money man for the entire Indica Syndicate operation. Absolutely no one on Mars has a mastery of black market strategy like Bentley. His mind is filled with […]
Jake Paladino aka “Kid Phantom”

0002 JAKE PALADINO AKA “KID PHANTOM” This guy’s got a chip on his shoulder, but at least he’s monetizing it. After the death of his parents, Jake Paladino became a “ditch kid”, aka an orphan outcast in Draco society, growing up in the rough hustle culture of the lower Tower Cities. As an adult, he […]
Boss King Ricco

0001 BOSS KING RICCO All hail the Kushfather. His majesty, the Boss King Ricco, unites the Draco trinity of Family, Faith, and Kush. He’s the father of a crime family, the local leader of the Draco creed, and the reigning lord of the kush game. Ricco rules over the Indica Syndicate on Mars, with operations […]
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